Cadaver Lab

Westminster College is pleased to offer pre-med and health professions students an experience that is nearly impossible to find at other undergraduate institutions - hands-on human cadaveric dissection through the Westminster College Cadaveric Dissection Program. At Westminster, students don't just watch cadaveric dissection done by an instructor - they do it themselves.

Beginning Dissection: BIO 302 Human Anatomy

Westminster Anatomy Lab is used by students of two classes. The entry-level class is BIO 302 Human Anatomy, where students learn human anatomy through traditional models, radiographic images, and hands-on cadaveric dissection in groups, every other week.

Advanced Dissection: BIO 415: Gross Anatomy

The advanced class, BIO 415 Gross Anatomy, is limited to 6 openings. These students receive a single donor to dissect over the course of the semester. They perform more difficult dissections, measure anomalies, and use histological techniques.

In the last four weeks of class, students complete a prosection of a specific area of interest. For example, an obstetrics student might choose to concentrate on the female pelvis. In addition, they participate in a weekly journal club, meeting as a class to discuss current, anatomy-based scientific literature.

Independent Study in Anatomy

Students may enroll in 2-3 credits and perform student-directed prosections. This is a great opportunity for our dental students who get to dissect the face as well as other individuals prepping for podiatry school and physical therapy school.

Instruction in a Small, Personalized Environment

In the anatomy lab, classes are small, and students receive individualized attention and help from the professor while they learn and practice cadaveric dissection techniques.

Competitive Advantage

For those planning on attending medical school, Westminster Cadaveric Dissection Program provides a rare and valuable opportunity to increase their competency among applicants. It's uncommon and valuable to have two full years of cadaveric dissection on your resume as you apply to medical school.

Honoring a Generous Gift

At the end of every semester, Westminster holds a special memorial service for our generous anatomical donors to honor their generosity.


Meet the Biology Professors



For more information about the Cadaveric Dissection Program, contact:

Dr. Dawn Holliday
Office Phone: 573-592-6125
Email Address: