19th Hancock Symposium, Sept. 18-19, 2024 Out of this World

Small college. Big impact.


Out of this World!

From the vastness of outer space to the infinitesimal scale of particles; from the creative fantasies of authors to the wonders of the modern cyber universe, where will humanity continue to explore, and what truths will we continue to reach for? What new frontiers will we discover using our ingenuity and imagination? What industries will we disrupt, and what outrageous activities will we consider mundane in the coming years? We’ll dig into modern and historical marvels and learn about our world by looking beyond it and deep within it. We’ll ponder the limitlessness of our own minds and creativity and reach for what comes next.

This Symposium will engage experts who will help us understand concepts that are out of this world, figuratively and literally. It will highlight the importance of values, character, lifelong learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving — all key components of a liberal arts education.

Sep 18

Sep 19

Sep 18


Sep 18, 2024

Check out the Speakers

2024 Hancock Symposium

Each September, the Hancock Symposium offers two engaging days of lectures, panel discussions, and presentations by noted experts on the theme of global interest. The dynamic sessions challenge students with innovative ideas, and the entire campus community participates in the events and learns together.
