Assessment Scope
Scope of Academic Assessment: The College will assess academic programs of study and co-curricular programs. These together will constitute the basis for a summative statement regarding accomplishment of educational goals. The broad components will be:
- General Education Assessment:
The Assessment Committee will work with appropriate faculty to determine a methodology and facilitate processes for assessing how well the general education program contributes to fulfillment of the institutional mission statement and educational goals.
The committee will collect the assessment data and release it to the college community as part of on-going processes to use information to improve student learning. - Major Assessment:
The Assessment Committee will work with departments and coordinators of major programs to determine a methodology and facilitate processes for directly and indirectly assessing each college major.
Each academic department and coordinator of a major program will keep on file, with the Director of Assessment, a current plan for assessment of majors.
Department chairs and coordinators of major programs will report the results of the assessments and describe ways that the information will be used to improve student learning as part of the annual department report submitted to the Dean of Faculty and Vice-President of the College. Department chairs and coordinators of major programs shall also submit a copy of the relevant sections of the report dealing with assessment to the Director of Assessment who will share the reports with the Assessment Committee. - Other:
The Assessment Committee may evaluate and approve other means of assessment as necessary.