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Westminster College
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Career Assistance

Professional staff are available to meet individually with students to discuss any issues related to career development. Students often seek assistance in the areas of selecting a major, developing a focus within a particular career field, writing a resume, preparing for an interview, and learning job-searching strategies.

Several career assessments are also available for students to take and are often used in conjunction with meeting with a career counselor. Costs of these assessments range from no charge to a minimal fee. Some of the assessments available are the Self-Directed Search ($10) and FOCUS2 which helps students discover and learn more about their strengths, skills, values, and interests. What Can I Do With This Major? outlines common career areas students can enter within a major, typical employers that hire in that field, and strategies designed to maximize career opportunities. The information is representative of typical career paths associated with each major. Knowdell Card Sorts™ our user-friendly career assessment card decks are highly interactive and help students determine their career values, motivated skills, and occupational interests.

In addition, over 100 career-related books are available for check out in the Career Resource Library . Numerous FREE publications with current career-related and graduate school information are also available to students.

To make an appointment, contact Career Development at

To access Student Career Search (nationwide), please go to Student Career Search.

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