On-Campus Recruiting


After the Tassel Podcast

Career development staff have begun a programming initiative called "After the Tassel". Alumni and industry partner guests are interviewed about a variety of topics including but not limited to major exploration, career paths, work/life balance, interview tips, and more. Check out past episodes on our YouTube channel Westminster College SSC. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVmqBD8yNJRZ5pHkgyjPuog) 

Information Sessions & Information Tables

With campus closed to visitors, we will not be able to host on-campus information sessions and tables. If you are interested in speaking to our students about educational topics related to your organization, please contact CareerSrv@WCMO.edu. We can discuss how best to host virtual sessions.

Contact Information

For more information or assistance with recruiting Westminster students, please contact us at CareerSrv@WCMO.edu.

How to Get Involved

For more information or assistance with How to Get Involved, please follow this link.