Senior Surveys

Overview: Senior Surveys were revised by the WC Assessment Committee in Fall 2002 to measure the extent to which seniors believe that they have achieved college learning goals as listed in the mission statement and related list of college learning goals. The survey also includes several items designed to track satisfaction with living conditions that were retained from the previous version. Senior Surveys are completed annually. 

Results & Reports:

Executive Summaries: Spring 2006

My Experience at Westminster College has:

Senior Survey Graph
The mean ratings of Westminster College senior students are compared in the graph for the past four years. Surveys are completed on Assessment Day.

Senior Survey Graph
The mean ratings of Westminster College senior students are compared in the graph for the past four years. Surveys are completed on Assessment Day.

Senior Survey Graph
The mean ratings of Westminster College senior students are compared in the graph for the past four years. Surveys are completed on Assessment Day.

Senior Survey Graph
The mean ratings of Westminster College senior students are compared in the graph for the past four years. Surveys are completed on Assessment Day.