Amanda Gowin
What I teach: Health and Exercise Science
How I help online students succeed: I am organized and communicate often and promptly. I know students appreciate having the course organized in a way that promotes consistency and has due dates for assignments. I provide weekly announcements that have what we are doing for the week, and I also provide rubrics and example assignments so students know assignment expectations. I communicate promptly to questions with clarification and resources for help, along with providing assignment feedback in a timely manner.
My online teaching philosophy: The learning process includes finding meaningful connections to the coursework and practical application. As an educator, I strive to be learner-oriented and find ways to make connections through a variety of teaching strategies and meaningful assignments. I also strive to create spaces for engagement through sharing and learning together. Feedback — giving it and receiving it — fosters a continued, diverse educational experience. I am committed to adapting and growing with students to provide the best experience in our learning partnership.
How I establish a connection with my online students: I provide an introductory video, a biography, and an introduction discussion post to engage students with me and others in the course. I also find that personalized feedback on assignments helps to build a connection.
How I make a difference: My online students appreciate quick and detailed feedback on assignments and responses to their questions. I try to provide them with a variety of methods to reach out for help. This includes contact information for me that can be Zoom meetings, texting, or email. I also provide quick links for campus support on my Canvas page.
Fun fact about me: I love international travel. I most recently returned to Missouri from the Netherlands and have been to Tanzania multiple times and have also traveled with students to Greece.