Professor Karen Tompson-Wolfe
What I teach: Micro and Macro Economics
How I help online students succeed: As the instructor, I can learn from my students’ experiences, and they can learn from my experiences. Furthermore, creating or using assignments that help students practice and process ideas and knowledge helps them succeed. I believe finding practical applications in the current economy helps students see theory in action.
My online teaching philosophy: My online teaching philosophy is shrouded in the idea that everyone has something to offer. How I make a difference: As a student, I often hated that professors failed to respond and communicate with me in a timely manner; thus, I find it essential to respond to students quickly and in a fashion that is meaningful to them. Some students prefer to use email, while others prefer text messaging. Success depends on meeting students at a time and in a way that works best for them and their learning needs.
Fun fact about me: I did 45 hours of post-graduate studies in economics after I completed my master’s degree in statistics, when I discovered my true passion to support students. As a result, I earned a Developmental Education Specialist certificate, became a Certified Apple Teacher, and have an ACEP Level I Certification, Coach Club Level, in table tennis.